Find out what projects we have already implemented. We are happy to come up with innovative solutions for you.
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Magazine Subscription Management Software
The new web application automates a number of key processes of the subscription service. The collection of subscription orders is solved by API integration with external systems of client companies. The application processes received orders and displays them in the user environment, where orders can be further managed or exported for carriers in CSV import files. The application then continuously obtains the status of the shipment from the delivery service and updates it. It is also connected to the warehouse management (Helios) and the system checks the stocks, which are regularly sent to FTP client publishers. Although the core processes take place in the background and the user interface is used primarily for data viewing and bulk imports and exports, the application can edit individual orders if necessary.
Software for Laboratory Measuring Device
Rotronic HygroLab users work in a web application environment, which can be also connected remotely via PC or tablet. Or they can connect a USB drive or external keyboard and mouse to the device for more convenient operation. The application allows to operate up to 4 measurings simultaneously, either in standard mode or using the faster AW Quick measurement. The progress of the measurement can then be monitored in a live graph and all measurement results are stored for later analysis as documents. These can be forwarded in PDF or CSV format by email, saved to a USB drive or directly to a PC when connected remotely to the application. An essential part of the application is the admin section with the settings of documents, the device itself and user rights. For fast work with documents, automatic naming of documents in the application as well as naming of files with documents is important. We are also working on new app features. For example, on a new login option using Active Directory. This will allow companies to use their own user accounts. There will be no need to create new user accounts in the application.
Remote Control of Robot Lawnmowers
We developed a mobile and web application for the client. The mobile app works as a complex tool for easy control of the mower, while the main purpose of the web application is the administration of accounts and devices. We created the mobile application using the Xamarin platform with .NET and C# technologies. Therefore, the created application was directly compatible with iOS and Android operating systems, which accelerated the completion of the entire project. The mobile application connects with the mower via a Bluetooth and the application data, whether it is the mower’s status, tasks, scheduling or statistics, is then synchronized with the server. When developing the web application, we worked with Vue.js technology for the frontend and .NET Core for the backend. The web application has a more sophisticated admin section. Of course, the owner of the mower has the main user account. Main user account can give the access with less user rights to other accounts. E.g. family members or service engineers. If the mower is sold the original owner’s access can be deleted.
OR Plus
Hobby Market Management Software
We followed a proven recipe that focuses on an early prototype that facilitates communication with the client and helps us to tweak the solution exactly to his needs. We took advantage of our ERP system experience, yet in this case the client didn’t need such a robust enterprise system. The new application consits of a warehouse module, a checkout system and an order management. We secured payment terminal licenses in order to provide all forms of payment – by card, by invoice or by cash. The system also includes inventory management, returns, shift check and easy recieving and handing out the goods. Our solution uses dedicated PDA devices that speed up handling, code printing and sales. The new system communicates with a remote weight and processes prices automatically. Comfortable reports and bookkeeping data exports are also included.
Call Center Management System
The CC3 web application is used by call center operators as well as LeasePlan employees, who also deal with car repair shops, insurance companies etc. Each user is assigned a role that determines the level of user permissions. Request processing is easier due to integration with other systems and a number of automatic actions, such as notifications related to individual tasks, recording of communication, or sending request emails to car repair shops. In addition to the service locator, the CC3 also communicates with the main vehicle registration system. Clients who need a replacement vehicle, a service or to resolve an insurance claim can be identified very quickly using the registration number and other data. The user interface of the application is based on the previous internal system. The transition to the new software was really easy for the users. The application is also open for further upgrades in the future. The main goal was achieved while meeting all the requirements – speeding up the application. The use of newer technologies, such as AJAX, plays a significant role in this. Thanks to asynchronous communication, the new application does not redraw the entire page, but only certain elements of the user interface.
Mobile App for Tourists
We have developed a mobile application for the client, which can be easily logged in using a Facebook account or Apple ID. The main content of the application are trips, which can be searched by region or directly on the interactive map. Trips include a description of the destination, transportation options, travel challenges, and public or private user reviews. User can rate the overall experience of the trip, difficulty, weather, expenses, and they can upload photos from the trip. The mobile application is available for free, but all travel challenges and other hidden features are opened only to VIP users. The Adroid version uses the GoPay payment gateway for premium account subscriptions and the iOS application uses Apple Pay. The application does not work with users‘ payment details at all. A web application is also important for the client. It is used to manage trips and other content (awards for completed challenges, photo competitions, etc.), administration of user accounts, setting up advertising in the application, or sending FMC notifications with demographic targeting.
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Car and Scooter Sharing Software
We developed a system that uses our own API, a server in the MS Azure cloud, an administration website, and most importantly a mobile app that allows easy sharing of scooters, choppers and cars through one account. Depending on the uploaded documents (e.g. driver’s license), it automatically extends permissions to motorcycles or cars. As a result, all vehicles for which the user has permissions are displayed in real time on the map. The system offers the possibility of booking, unlocking the device with a mobile phone and other advanced functionality that is essential for this type of service. For example, the user can view information about a particular asset (battery status, etc.) or trigger an audio signal to easily find the asset. They can also see the history of trips and payments. The app works both in end-customer mode and in the view for the employee who manages and recharges the shared devices. Employees can then enter tasks directly through the app.
Edwards Lifesciences
Health Assessment Questionnaire Application
Doctors use the mobile application instead of printed forms. A new patient’s health card with a unique ID is created in the application for the new patient, who then fills in the entry form on the tablet. In the form, the user answers a set of questions evaluating his lifestyle and other similar parameters. Once the user submits the form, the application connects to the server using the API, so the responses are available for processing immediately. After processing the answers, the application sends the results by e-mail to the attending physician, patient, or possibly the physician of the external office. At the next visit to the doctor, the patient fills in the form again and the results are automatically compared with the previous ones. The results are stored in the application, so there is no need to physically store and search for previously completed forms.
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