Custom applications development

We create mobile, web and desktop apps

What kinds of applications we do?

Mobile, web and desktop applications have many advantages. Which one is best for you?


Mobile applications


Desktop applications


Web applications

A mobile app can take advantage of your phone’s features and work offline. In contrast, web apps can be used by users on all devices and are faster and more affordable to develop.

See a great comparison of the benefits of mobile vs. web apps.

Classic desktop applications do not require an internet connection and are characterised by their simplicity. They find a wide range of uses today, for example in production.

Very often customers ask us what the cost of development is. Since it is a custom development, it is impossible to determine without knowing the specific solution requested. But we understand that this is a crucial decision parameter, so we have prepared a free analysis for you.

Tadeáš Matoušek, Sales Manager

How does the application development work?

We know the recipe for a successful software project. See the steps in detail.

We provide expert support once the application is up and running. If necessary, we are ready to develop the application further in the future.

We enjoy apps

See how our solutions help companies.

MUDr. Václav Durdil

Applications for patients with heart problems

Communication between doctor and patient is enabled either by chat or video call. A very useful feature is the „automated conversation“. This offers the patient questions that are pre-selected by the doctor himself, and the answers show the most likely diagnosis. The patient will quickly find out what is bothering him and save himself and his doctor time.   Of course, each patient enters details of his or her health status at registration, including previous medical interventions, medications and other necessary information. This way, the doctor always has everything important in one place and knows what he or she is working with.   We have developed the app in web and mobile versions. While developing the web app, our programmers worked with VueJS for the front-end and .NET Core for the back-end. The mobile, which is available on both Apple and Android devices, was created using the Xamarin framework.

Fox & Muse

Web dating app

Our developers developed the Fox & Muse web app. When registering, each user has to enter their passport or ID/driver’s license information, which allows the system to verify their identity. It will also check the user’s criminal record to prevent the registration of people who, for example, have been convicted of sexual harassment, thus guaranteeing the safety of other clients. The registration fee can easily be paid through the Stripe payment gateway, and this also applies to any other payments. In exchange for every dollar spent, the app then credits accounts with loyalty points, which can be further used to buy luxury lingerie for women, whether the lady buys it herself or gets it from a suitor. The app includes the ability to simply chat with other users, of course, but it’s not a problem to use the call or video call feature as well. You can easily set up how far the dating app should show the location of people on the map. We also programmed an administration application for our client, thanks to which he manages the system (purchases with loyalty points, blacklists of unsuitable users, etc.). We used Vue.js technology for the frontend and .NET 6 for the backend to develop both applications.


Mobile App for Tourists

We have developed a mobile application for the client, which can be easily logged in using a Facebook account or Apple ID. The main content of the application are trips, which can be searched by region or directly on the interactive map. Trips include a description of the destination, transportation options, travel challenges, and public or private user reviews. User can rate the overall experience of the trip, difficulty, weather, expenses, and they can upload photos from the trip. The mobile application is available for free, but all travel challenges and other hidden features are opened only to VIP users. The Adroid version uses the GoPay payment gateway for premium account subscriptions and the iOS application uses Apple Pay. The application does not work with users‘ payment details at all. A web application is also important for the client. It is used to manage trips and other content (awards for completed challenges, photo competitions, etc.), administration of user accounts, setting up advertising in the application, or sending FMC notifications with demographic targeting.


Application And Support For A Call Centre

Simplification has been achieved by integrating several systems into one dashboard, which provides the operator with a comprehensive overview and thus speeds up the resolution of typical situations. The application also now offers statistics and reports. Both versions of the application (desktop and web) use only one code and their user interface is therefore generated in real time.


Considering developing your own app?


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