We created software for both the GSM module and the mobile app. The microchip in the pump transmits information about the water temperature, the environment, the flow rate, or the pressure to the phone. When connecting the app and the pump, it is necessary to go through a registration process, during which the eSIM must be activated.
The pump has several modes. The simplest is the Manual mode. It operates when switched on via the app (or a button on the pump itself). Another option is the Schedule mode, where users can easily pre-set the run times of the pump. The Automatic mode works by pressurizing the pipe when the pump is switched on and then monitoring the pressure drop. If the pressure is too high, it will automatically switch off. Fourth and last is Smart mode, in which the pump detects when to run based on the data from its recent operation. It takes into account the normal schedule, the weather (water vapour from the ground after a rain) or whether the user has used the water outside the normal schedule.
Our developers have previously created a mobile app for Einhell to control robotic lawn mowers. Now they have modified it so that the user can add a smart pump as well. The app is very easy to use, its design is clear and intuitive. During its development, our developers worked in the C# coding language and used the Xamarin framework, which allowed them to develop for both Android and iOS.