How Much A Software Costs and How An App Is Priced

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  • How Much A Software Costs and How An App Is Priced
Today's world can no longer do without software. More and more people around the world are using applications and websites. Do you want your business to be left behind or have you just got a great idea for an app? You've come to the right place. Let's take a look at what the process of developing your app/website entails and how much it will cost you.

It is very important to know what you require. Think carefully about what your app needs to do and write down what you need. Not sure? Ask us! We will be happy to advise you. 

In order to create, developers need to know exactly what features your app should have. It is the same with pricing. You need to discuss your budget with us and act accordingly. Once this is done, our programmers can get to work.

What moves the overall price? 

Type of application

  • Will you be happy with a web application? Or do you want a mobile app that can also work with various mobile phone features such as a camera, microphone or even location tracking? Both options have their advantages.


  • What should your app be able to do? Run offline, allow chatting between users, the ability to change the language…  And that’s just a fraction of the huge number of features your dream app can have. Choose the ones that really matter to you. 


  • Don’t know who can help you with the graphics? We’ll help you with that too. Do you already have an idea? Bring it! Or our graphic designer will present you with different designs, it’s up to you to choose.


Once we’ve agreed on all the details, we will price your final idea. What is clear in advance is that you will not get an app with the budget of tens of thousands czech crowns . However, it’s impossible to determine the price more closely, it really depends on how your app will look like. 

Another option is that you think about the width of your budget in advance and then discuss it with us. We can then easily agree on what we can work with. Yes, it’s as simple as that.

But don’t forget to think about the monetisation of your project. It may happen that even the best app won’t pay off financially if you haven’t thought carefully about how it will monetise. Definitely don’t skip this step.

What about websites?

It’s generally similar. Making them is easier, of course, but we still have to figure out what you’d like to have on your website first. Again, everything needs to be thought through carefully first. Text layout, design (which we are happy to help you with, by the way), etc… Then there is nothing to stop our developers from working. 

Web development is cheaper than an app. Again, you have the option to arrange with us according to your financial possibilities. And of course we will do the pricing for free. 


The important thing is to know what you want and not be afraid to invest. Nowadays, software is absolutely essential and a good software or app will attract new customers. On the other side, bad software is frustrating for the client and may discourage them from working with your company. However, you have nothing to worry about.

If you’re wondering how much your app or website yould cost, or want to find out what features fit into your budget, drop us a line.

We’ll be happy to prepare a no-obligation analysis and quote for you.


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Author of the article:

Daniel Bohuslav

Daniel Bohuslav

Date of publication: 15.08.2022